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Mīnā b. Jirja al-Ṭuṭūnī

Name variants:
  • Mīnā b. Jirja: P.Berl.inv. 8211
  • Mīnā b. Jirja al-Tuṭūnī: P.Berl.inv. 8007, P.Berl.inv. 8008, P.Berl.inv. 8011, P.Berl.inv. 8050, P.Lond.inv. Or. 4684/IV, P.Lond.inv. Or. 4684/IX [XIV], P.Lond.inv. Or. 4684/VIII

Origin: Ṭuṭūn

Brother of Suwayris b. Jirja (P.Berl.inv. 8211) and father of Danāyīl and Shanūda. His sons reclaimed a debt from Quzmān b. Bajūsh which was made by his father Bajūsh b. Marqus al-Fishāwī in Rabīʿ II 407 AH (P.Berl.inv. 8008). He bought a Nubian slave girl from ʿĪsā b. ʾIsmāʿīl al-ʾAwānī al-Madanī for 30 dīnārs on 8 Ramaḍān 372 AH (P.Lond.inv. Or. 4684/IV). A receipt dated Friday, 26 Tybi 382 AH reports that he bought a horse from ʿUmar b. Mahdī for 16 dīnārs (P.Berl.inv. 8011). ʾAqāwa b. Tumās al-Dafadnūwī is reported to have him sold a family of slaves in Dhū l-Ḥijja 383 AH (P.Lond.inv. Or. 4684/XIV [IX]) and Muḥarram 384 AH (P.Lond.inv. Or. 4684/VIII). In Muḥarram 395 AH he and his partners bought a share of a mill from Mūsā b. ʿUbayd b. Mūsā al-Ṭalītī (P.Berl.inv. 8211). Qāsim b. ʿĪsā stated in the year 403 AH that Mīnā b. Jirja had fulfilled all duties priorily stated in a contract 403 (P.Ber.inv. 8050). An obligation dated on 1 Ramaḍān 404 AH stated a sell of a horse for 30 dīnārs between him and the people of Ṭuṭūn (P.Berl.inv. 8007).